Evan Rachel Wood Marilyn Manson LAX airport
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Evan Rachel Wood Marilyn Manson LAX airport

Evan Rachel Wood and boyfriend, Marilyn Manson, were spotted leaving town by way of airplane. The blacked clothed duo hit up LAX where Manson was pictured holding a live hairless cat. That is kinda weird, but not to them I suppose. Evan was pictured holding something furry too, but don't worry, it was not alive.

Onlookers seen Marilyn and Evan removing their shoes and placing their laptops in a separate bin. People were kind of freaked out, but that's what you get in yuppy ville. They should live in New York where people are much more accepting of weirdness.

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posted by K.C. at 9:45 AM | Permalink


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