Evan Rachel Wood to star in Marilyn Manson film
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Evan Rachel Wood's new love, Marilyn Manson, says he'll begin shooting his horror film once he finishes touring to promote his new album, "Eat Me, Drink Me."

Los Angeles -- American shock rocker Marilyn Manson says he'll begin shooting his horror film once he finishes touring to promote his new album, "Eat Me, Drink Me."

"Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll" is still "very much happening," Manson told Billboard magazine. "We postponed the film until after this tour, so probably November, December."

Manson, based in Los Angeles, wrote the screenplay, and plans to direct and star in the movie. Besides Manson cast as author Carroll, the film will feature Lily Cole, Tilda Swinton and Manson's girlfriend Evan Rachel Wood. Manson said he plans to compose music for the movie as well.

Of his decision to delay the film's production, Manson said, "I read Lewis Carroll's diaries, and he's a very fractured soul. I think I identified with it more than just fascination; I was in the same mental state. So I think, by waiting, I'll be able to make a better movie ... ."

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posted by K.C. at 7:55 AM | Permalink


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